Acap application closing dates

This scholarship is funded by the Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. and is open to ACAP Graduating Seniors, undergraduate students, and students enrolled in a five-year accounting program. The student must major in accounting or other business-related field, otherwise he/she is not eligible.

The high school scholarship is presented at the ACAP Closing Session in June. The funds are disbursed in late August or early September.

The undergraduate or graduate scholarship is a separate scholarship applicaton and is awarded in October during the Western Region Student Conference.

Monetary Awards

During an ACAP residency summer, the remaining ACAP Students (Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors) are eligible for the other monetary awards. The amounts vary and depend on ACAP funding:

*Top Male (most points earned by a male student)
*Top Female (most points earned by a female student)
*Most Enthusiastic (voted on by fellow students)
*Most Inspirational (voted on by fellow students)
*Rising Star (most likely to succeed in Accounting; voted on by fellow students)
*Top Male Counselor (voted on by the students; input and observations are made by ACAP Senior Staff)
*Top Female Counselor (voted on by the students; input and observations are made by ACAP Senior Staff)
*Talent Show Winner
*Prize Drawing