U.S. – Bahrain Free Trade Agreement

The United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which entered into force on January 11, 2006, generates export opportunities for the United States, creating jobs for U.S. farmers and workers. The agreement also supports Bahrain’s economic and political reforms and enhances commercial relations with an economic leader in the Arabian Gulf. On the first day the agreement took effect, 100 percent of the two-way trade in industrial and consumer products began to flow without tariffs.

Because of the FTA, U.S. farmers have significantly increased their agricultural exports to Bahrain. In addition, Bahrain opened its services market wider than any previous FTA partner, creating important new opportunities for U.S. financial service providers and companies that offer telecommunications, audiovisual, express delivery, distribution, healthcare, architecture, and engineering services.

Rules of Origin

Articles can qualify by either being wholly grown/produced/manufactured in a party or by substantial transformation with a value-added content. There are also a few articles that have specific rules of origin.

Apply to any article if:
(a) that article is wholly the growth, product or manufacture of a Party or is a new or different article of commerce that has been grown, produced, or manufactured in a Party:
(b) that article is imported directly from one Party into the other Party; and
(c) the sum of

is not less than 35 percent of the appraised value of the article at the time it is entered into the other Party.

For definition of the above terms, see Final Text at USTR-U.S.-Bahrain FTA.

In addition to the above rules of origin, there may be other ways to qualify your product:

Claiming/Documenting Origin

Importer shall be prepared to submit to the customs authorities of the importing country, upon request, a declaration setting forth all pertinent information concerning the production or manufacture of the article.

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